Monday: 8am - 8pm
Tuesday: 8am - 8pm
Wednesday: 9am - 8pm
Thursday: 7am - 8pm
Friday: 9am - 2pm
Saturday: 8am - 1pm
Sunday: Closed
If you’ve had chickenpox, and most New Zealand adults have, you are already carrying the virus that causes Shingles. 1 in 3 people will contract this illness in their lifetime.
When you’re young, your immune system is usually strong enough to keep the virus in check. But as you age, it becomes easier for Shingles to break through your body’s defences.
Contact your Practice Nurse to discuss further.
Zostavax is fully subsidised for people aged 65 years – that means that a patient is eligible for a vaccine from when they turn 65 years until they turn 66 years.
There is currently also a two-year catch-up period for people aged 66 to 80 years – that means that from now until 31 March, 2020, people aged over 65 years can also receive a subsidised vaccine, before they turn 81 years. This includes people who turned 65 years before 1 April, 2018, when Zostavax was first subsidised.